Thursday, May 30, 2013

A look back at through the archives of last September

Monthly Archives: September 2012

Faith or Imagination?

I have found that much of what I use to believe or call faith was just imagination.  When I was younger and new to Christianity they told me to have faith and God would grant me that which I asked of him….then they would add, “as long as it isn’t selfish.”  It took me years of frustrated blind ignorance to come to understand that everything is selfish when I’m not surrendered to someone or something greater than myself.  Even my prayers for others would be selfish, or my service to the poor.  It all stems from “I feel sympathy” or “I feel good when I do this for you, or others”.  It all has a motivational basis within us that in some way or another ultimately comes back to what we get from the action.   (more…)

The Gospel of Thomas (v. 11)

This heaven will pass away and that which is above it will pass away.  The dead are not alive and the living will not die.  In the days when you ate what is dead, you made it alive.  When you come into the light, what will you do?  On the day when you were one, you became two.  But when you have become two, what will you do?

     ~Gospel of Thomas (v.11)

This is a very cryptic line that Jesus spoke to his disciples concerning the purpose and meaning of life, as they knew it, as he knew it, and as God knows it.  There are two levels of heaven that Jesus refers to here, or rather two perceptions of heaven both will pass away.  The first, this heaven, that which we create through Love on Earth, and more personally, Jesus was referring to Himself, will pass away; he died on the Cross and our mortality is limited.  The heaven above refers to that which took place prior to Creation, before their was opportunity to become enlightened and as we Christians refer to it, redeemed.  (more…)


There is a blessing that comes with those who endure the path of sorrow and tears.  Those that bottle it up and won’t allow it to flow deny themselves this, unaware that it is in the depth of the soul when the heart longs for peace and is desperate for a gentle touch, a moments caress, the embrace of Love if only for a brief respite. (more…)

Finding my way home…

Home is my place of safety, security, where I dwell most and my source of meaning and purpose for all I am or endeavor to pursue.  Here in this limited existence as a member of humanity I have had for most of my life a since that I wasn’t at home, that I was “a stranger in a strange land” and that home awaited my return at some distant unknown departure from this mortality.  I have known I’m loved, as I am, completely and unconditionally for a long time now, only it was like I appreciated the intention and the sincerity of the gesture but since I had no obligation to keep I let it be just that, and went on with life as I understood it to be.  It wasn’t until I sought to actively become the love I received for another that I truly began to change from what was a meaningless existence without purpose, or at least my “given” purpose for living….just the continued insistence of often well meaning others who tried to tell me what should be my meaning and purpose as they see it.
I slipped into grave depression as I gave up on life ever having any meaning at all because I couldn’t produce the passion I required to adopt what others insisted should be my motivation, care, and responsibilities.  Without passion and attachment to something other than myself, as having more importance than myself I was listless and disgusted with having to exist at all.  I became detached from everything as a result of my passionless existence.  What many seek through meditation and years of focus to achieve I did as an act of defiance to a world insisting I be something I’m not, which produced nothing but isolation and hopelessness, though without the chronic worries that most people carry.  Some detachment is necessary for a carefree existence in a world of uncertainty and calamity…but it needs to be balanced with compassion and love, genuine love to be anything other than a self imposed exile from all human relation.
In learning to love unconditionally another soul, another person more than anything else in existence I finally came to understand the true meaning of the Christian cross, and what it means to daily pick up that cross and follow.  I knew what I needed was to be like Jesus, not necessarily worship Jesus.  I modeled my devotion for my beloved after his gospel example and found that to love this much means to love even in the face of rejection, revolution, hatred, and to the extent of the worst sins possible to imagine, it all has to be endured or the love is not true, just a conditional affection that can be lost if the standard isn’t met to satisfaction.  In learning to love in this fashion, everything is sacrificed in the effort.  Pride, ego, hopes, dreams, family, friends, faith, religious beliefs, and the expectation of ever being loved in return are all nailed to that cross if the love is true.  That is what it means to love someone as Christ loves his Church, and that is how I came to know Love…through the daily dying of all that I was until Love saw in me the endurance required to entrust the soul of another into my care.
In the remnants of this once sane and proud young man is now the heart of Love that will never perish and is awake and aware of my presence at home in the security and affection of the one who loves me so much as to give me the time required to bring me around and turn into the very one Love always knew I would be.
In my current awareness I now know me to be both Lover and Beloved both are possible through the essence of the Love that has always been here and waiting for just this opportunity to bring this into fruition.  I feel alive!  And though I sit here, the scarred and wounded man left from this experience, I know Life as if for the first time, and I think of my absent beloved and know, she is worth the price and worth the wait, even to the end of time itself.
My journey has led me to death and life again, and I believe it has only just begun.  :-)

A peace without pictures.

I am accustomed to extreme bouts of mental unrest, and far too many events of staggering confusion in my disease of Paranoid Schizophrenia.  At times, my mind becomes the battlefield of a war that seems to never end and the carnage is the deep wounds of a fractured psyche and phobias that resonate with the call to arms in a futile attempt at control.   (more…)


“Religion has lost sight of Jesus’ message…We aren’t focused on the great mystery.  Rather religion has tended to create people who think they have God in their pockets, people with quick, easy glib answers.  That is why so much of the West is understandably abandoning religion. People know the great mystery cannot be that simple and facile.  If the great mystery is indeed the Great Mystery, it will lead us into paradox, into darkness, and into journeys that never cease.  That is what prayer is about.”  

~ Fr. Richard Rohr  (a Jesuit Priest)

One of the wonderful things about prayer is that it isn’t predictable.  It is delving into the the ultimate unknown, but never is it unknowable.  (more…)

Wisdom Through Experience @ posts belong to Zion Marion Amoure creator of, ©2013

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Archive Review from August 2012

Monthly Archives: August 2012

I love finding new Wisdom

I’m starting to read another book today.  I’m always working through several at once, but I finished one last week and I’m finishing another this week, so I purchased “Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism” by Chögyam Trungpa.  (more…)

The Gospel of Thomas (v.10)

I have cast fire on the world and, look, I am guarding it until it blazes.

If any person has had words that have sparked a flame in the heart of people and grew to brilliance, Jesus is definitely one of them.  The wisdom in his teachings are impressive and I love how he teaches with story and parable.  In the very effort of understanding him he weeds out those who desire to know from those who have no passion for Wisdom. (more…)


There have been phases of my life where sex has played different roles, and when I was younger I chased that itch with more fervor than I would ever consider now, but if it had not been for alcohol I do not believe I would have had intercourse at all these last few years.  Alcohol has always allowed me to traverse a world I was not naturally comfortable in.  As I’ve matured my views on sex, far from saintly I assure you, have changed. (more…)

As I am

It takes some fortitude to do what is best, what in our soul is right, and yet be the accused in the eyes of many.(more…)

The Breath of Life

I’ve mentioned often my quest for Wisdom and seeking silent serenity through prayer and meditation.  It is not always easy to quiet the mind especially for someone who has ADHD and is Schizophrenic.  The mind races all the time and though medicine help quiet that down some it is still like trying to find a quiet moment in Grand Central Station.  (more…)

Twilight’s fire!

This morning I sat on the patio and watched the Dawn break up the canopy of night and replace the twinkle of the heavens with brilliant blues and rays of yellow and orange.  I watch this time after time, morning after morning and I never tire of it. (more…)


Being thankful has proven to be a growth process like everything else on the path to spiritual maturity.  And like everything else I can only view it as a process once I’ve stood at a later stage of development and look back upon it.(more…)

Gospel of Thomas (v.9)

The sower went out, filled his hand and sowed.  Some seeds fell on the road; birds came and gathered them up.  Others fell on the rock and did not root in the earth and did not produce.  Others fell among thorns; the thorns choked the seeds and worms ate them.  But others fell on good ground and brought forth good fruit.  These yielded sixty per measure and one hundred and twenty measures.

True Prayer

As I thought about what to type I adjourned from my place before the computer to a separate retreat for prayer.  In what follows I wanted to try and capture what takes place for me during these times, which in itself is an instructional guide for me.
There are many forms of Prayer from countless religious traditions, and I have experienced, at least in part, many of these. (more…)

I am Loved!

Sum ​​dilexit,

Ideo dilexit me amare.

Amo ergo sum.

~ Zion

One of the most beautiful and gracious gifts I’ve received as a result of my spiritual journey is the constant confirmation that “I am loved.” (more…)

The Gospel of Thomas (v.8)

Humankind is like a wise fesherman who cast his net into the sea.  He drew it out of the sea full of small fish.  The wise fisherman found among them a large, good fish.  He threw all the small fish back into the sea and chose the large fish without hesitation.  Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear. (more…)

The voice of God

“Few things under heaven are as instructive as the lessons of Silence”

~Lao Tsu

In the early morn, the stillness of darkness is balanced by the passive reflection of the bright moon.  There are no clouds and though my part of the world is covered in shadow, the ambient glow makes the aura of the hour much more compelling to be awake. (more…)

What it took to give a little!

I am and have been a big supporter of the Red Cross!  Today I made my regular bimonthly trip to donate blood.  There wasn’t a donation drive in my little town, so I drove 10 miles to the next town over and gave there.  After my donation, I was really dizzy and nauseous .  This has never happened to me before!  They have me lie down, I drink some juice 20 minutes go by, then 40 minutes, then the paramedics show up, stick me with an I.V. and monitor my vitals with an E.K.G.  My blood pressure is only 88/55, so off to the emergency room.  It seems since I quit drinking I don’t need to take as much high blood pressure medicine anymore, and dropping a pint from my system screwed up the whole works.  So I gave a pint of blood, sucked up two pints of sugar water (or whatever type of sterile water they put in those things), and then had to walk back to my car because the taxi cab never showed up.
I’m still in a good humor, stopped and had lunch on my 4 mile walk, then driving home I get a flat tire.  Surprisingly, I still don’t want a drink…and I’m still thankful to have done what I could to save someone’s life today with my donation of blood.
Here in the United States, only 10% of the population donate blood for everyone to use, that is why we never have a real strong supply, in fact we are currently at our lowest supply in 15 years.  Everybody should give but I’m a person who understands phobias and fears, so if you can’t give blood, support the red cross financially, or whoever collects blood in your corner of the world.  (I know Hawaii has it’s own blood bank separate from the Red Cross, and I don’t know about other nations.)  Anyway, I’m sure for most people, there little visit won’t be near drama I went through, and I’d do it again, to save someone’s life.  Just something to think about.  Peace!


In Tibetan, the word for blessing means “transformation through majesty or power.”  In short, the meaning of blessing is to bring about, as a result of the experience, a transformation in one’s mind for the better.

~Dalai Lama

This has been the Truth I have found on my Spiritual Journey through life.  The “renewing of my mind” is not something that is just the result of what I read, but the experience of a power greater than myself drawing from God, my Higher Power, Creation, the Universe, my inner self, whatever is most comfortable to term it for you, the majesty of wonder and awe that inspires and remolds my understanding into something I have never known before. (more…)

Sorry I haven’t been posting

I’ve been away dealing with my sobriety for the last 3 weeks so I haven’t published at all.  I will start posting again tomorrow with my readings and I’m starting a new daily blog on my thoughts and feelings with sobriety which I will write in the evening at the end of each day, or when I’m in need of some help from fellow followers.  Sorry I’ve been away so long, I hope I haven’t lost too many of you due to lack of posting….my sincerest apologies.  My new blog will be at  Thanks everyone.

Wisdom Through Experience @ posts belong to Zion Marion Amoure creator of, ©2013