Friday, May 17, 2013

Using religion as a springboard from the dogma of yesterday to the new creations at my fingertips

Writing the universe is a chore of one word in a chord of three producing a voice for the time of now.It is an apparent reality that humanity has endeavored most of it's existance in the attempt to explain itself and the unknown circumstances, calamities, and phenomena in one fashion or another, and the most common of those mediums has been the faucet of religion.  Throughout religious dogma, writings, and traditions we find the unexplained tackled with zeal
and often insistent press of rules upon the brow of a culture to conform to an ideology that separates them from the rest of the surrounding cultures thereby establishing them as the product of the divine or the chosen few that are asked to keep secret the knowledge of the Holy from the unacceptable sinner that plagues the races of mankind and along with a promise of severe retribution upon the unbeliever and vindication for the oppressed and perfect adheres to the Law.

It is my pleasure to find that after a lifetime of study in religious matters that when using these materials for the creative writings that I now endeavor to produce that the foundation and fodder for very rich epics reveal themselves in the details of creating a new universe and the decree that issues as to how it  will form and exist in the cosmos as well as the entities that shall spring forth from the primordial thought that runs over from the late night work that finds  its way to the pages and chapters of the work in progress.

I have always found religion fascinating and it is with personalNever say never, and it will open doors of opportunity in Never-never land. passion that I often sought answers through such gateways as I desired to learn why we are who we are, where we should go from here, do I have a purpose, is this path the One true path, and many other such esoteric and ancient questions as I was being formed in the image of the one who new me best, and now sees me as I am, (I will refrain from naming here).  It is through this eploration for answers that I found the futility and enigma that would plague my existance for the longest time, and in the process shape and prepare me to become a man who would serve in the methods of the seer's choice as a chronicler of the means and methods for the universe and its decadant devotons to the voices and follies that shout out to their prophets and peoples for the entertainment and unfortunately warlike manifestations and insatiable appetite for indulging the self.  Harsh on reality but it is great fiction, fable and fantasy and thus, I find it alluring to glean from and conjoin to my works as I weave my own tales of creation, expansion, doom, and fortune as the revelation of my sealed promises are finally trumpeted for the attention of as many as will listen.  :-)

I am enjoying this little banter with word play as I describe the fulfilling and satisfying nature to the creative process and wanted to share a moment of it with all of you.  I hope each of you are having a wonderful day, and may it be a blessing of peace and love upon your lives and those you care about.


Zion Marion Amoure

Wisdom Through Experience @ posts belong to Zion Marion Amoure creator of, ©2013

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