Monthly Archives: June 2012
I’ve mentioned before that I’m sort of a loner, the solitary type; I keep to myself, and strive for the knowledge that can only be found within oneself most of all, and then look for it in kind in the world in which I dwell. (more…)
The Long Journey of Self
The journey into the self is the greatest journey of discovery that I have ever traversed. It has no end as long as I’m alive, I keep evolving, I keep discovering deeper levels to who I am and Truths that define me not only as a person, but as One with humanity and the rest of the Universe. (more…)
Just As I Am
I’m, for the most part, a solitary man, keeping to myself, that doesn’t mean I don’t have a wild social side to me, I just keep that in check for the most part and only let that part of me see the light of day on special occasions with close friends. (more…)
One with the Way
“Only simple and quiet words will ripen of themselves…
He who cultivates the Tao is one with the Tao”
~Lao Tsu (more…)
What I do when I’m not writing…
I love writing! I would have to say I find myself wanting to write more, than I allow myself to write, but with blogs, it is counterproductive to give people to much to digest, so I will at most blog twice in a single day, and then the rest goes in my private journals or doesn’t get written.
One of my goals is to blog everyday, but I’m not a legalist, my goals are set for the ideal, not for me to adheare to the letter. I always intended to take at least 1 day per week to unplug and do something else. I still do my morning prayer, meditation, a little bit of reading, but I take one day off from writing all together, no journal entries either…I never want to wear myself out on this little gift of mine, I like it to much and now venturing into the world of writing for a living means I will be using this skill all the more, and so a weekly period of “anything” else is due.
I’ve never had a garden before. This year I’m trying my hand at raising some tomatoes and cucumbers, for no other reason than to get myself outside and do something that keeps me close to Earth and Nature. I love hikes and going for a run (about 5 miles) and I always include a gym membership in my daily life to some extent…although I don’t push myself like I use too, 30 minutes aerobic 4 or 5 times per week and weights twice…I really hate lifting weights, I lift for tone not bulk.
I really need a hobby, because when I can’t think of anything else to do, I’m back on the computer. There is only one video game I like, World of Warcraft, and even that, in 4 years I’ve never raised a character to the maximum level…so I’m no gamer. I just enjoy quiet times, reading and writing is what I do for fun and work.
I apologize, I made this more of a public journal entry rather than a refreshing bit of Wisdom, a Spiritual revelation, or just a majestic story of what I experienced, it’s just some humdrum and that is what I am away from my gifts…just ordinary, average guy, living life as best as I know how to do. :-)
An Aspect of Compassion
“One aspect of compasion is to respect others’ rights and to respect others’ views. That is the basis of reconciliation. The human spirit of reconciliation based on compassion is working deep down, whether the person really knows it or not.
Our basic human nature is gentleness; therefore, no matter how much we go through violence and other bad things, ultimately the proper solution is to return to human feeling and affection. So affection or compassion is not only a religious matter, but in our day-to-day life it is quite indispensable.
~Dahli Lama
Respect, much of what I came to believe during my youth had to be unlearned for me to understand the Wisdom I have found to be essential in embracing different religions and cultures. I was raised on television bravado, such as John Wayne, where respect had to be earned or you didn’t get it. This is a TERRIBLE foreign relations policy (more…)
The Joy of Blogging
When I first googled the word “blog” this last April I had never even read a blog, much less written one. I never had any interest in it, but a friend had suggested it might be a good idea for me and I knew I had a natural talent for writing ever since college. Back then, I preferred classes with a 10 page final instead of a test because I new I would get an “A” in that class, without much time investment. I have been writing a journal for over 20 years, so in a certain since, I’ve been preparing for this for a very long time, but I didn’t know I would come to enjoy it so much. (more…)
Gospel of Thomas (v.7)
“Blessed is the lion that the man shall eat,
so that the lion will become human.
Cursed is the man whom the lion shall eat,
and the lion will become human.” (v.7)
When I read this verse, and meditate upon it, I keep revolving around the term “Lion of Judah”, a reference for Jesus in the Christian tradition. I believe in prophecy, and I believe that because we all are indwelt by the Presence of the Creator then we all have access to knowledge beyond the 5 senses, learning to understand that knowledge and how to use the vision of that knowledge is not something I believe is widely known, nor even accepted.
I believe this verse was spoken in a prophetic since by Jesus in regards to what would become instituted as the Eucharist, or Communion as it is also referred too. ”I am the Bread of Life.” (John 6:48) (more…)
Religion Renewal…
“In the West,
religion became preoccupied
with telling people what to know
more than how to know,
telling people what to see
more than how to see.”
~Richard Rohr
Believe it or not, Richard Rohr is a Franciscan Priest in the Catholic tradition. I find it very refreshing to find not only believers in Christianity, but a member of the leadership and fraternal order to have rediscovered the contemplative awakening of a relationship with the Presence that indwells each of us and I also find in Fr. Rohr a kindred spirit, so to speak, as he speaks and writes very similar to the Truths that I write about both on this blog and in my journals. (more…)
Always & Forever
A common theme to my interior life and thus to much of my creations is Unconditional Love. It is devotion and passion without boundaries. It is something that at birth we are all capable of giving for it appears to be imprinted upon us through the process of creation itself. With the first kiss of breath, that very moment that Life sparks within the essence of a babe the ability to Love is Present, only through experience and degeneration are we brought low to exist with the walls of fear for possible injury and threat to our emotional and physical security. (more…)
A brief description of yesterday…
I perched upon a clifftop in the afternoon sun and watched as a mist sailed across the ocean and make a port of call. From my height I couldn’t tell if it touched the beach or simply ghosted above, yet it enveloped me in a veil of cumulus wonder. (more…)
Lo do I know the pain of memories that haunt the night. The mares both day and night come to steal what peace I pretend to have as I relive the agony of that which was stolen, taken by force as the brutish and evil wreak havoc upon the weak and the innocent. (more…)
I believe if someone desires to see dreams come true then half efforts are worthless, it’s got to be all or nothing. My dreams are huge, and yet it’s the intangible dreams that are the biggest for me, and as long as my needs are met then I am free to pursue those huge dreams.
I made a decision, to put my income on the field of my writing, because I desire to be a writer. (more…)
Gospel of Thomas (v.6)
His Disciples asked Him, “Do you want us to fast? How shall we pray? Shall we give alms? What diet shall we keep?”
Jesus said, “Do not lie and do not do what you hate, because all things are revealed in the sight of heaven. For nothing is hidden that will not be revealed, and nothings is covered that will remain covered.” (v.6)
I love that the first thing Jesus tells them is don’t offer to take on religious burdens that you hate doing, the very fact that you hate it means your every action and deed in those offerings to God is a lie, you aren’t fooling him nor are you endearing yourself to him. (more…)
Embracing Calamity
is fit to be entrusted with the world.
Only he who can do it with love
is worthy of being the steward of the world.”
~Lao Tsu
Embracing calamity as a sacrament of Life is part of the Way and a Truth that we all must face though few choose to accept. We don’t search for adversity, nor deliberately put ourselves in the path of hardship, but we should never give over to the woe of the moment either.
It is a difficult task to remain calm in times of crisis, even more so to be thankful for the opportunity to experience the tribulation. I am learning this lesson even as I type this.(more…)
Wisdom Through Experience @ posts belong to Zion Marion Amoure creator of, ©2013
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